#9 Community

Webinar #9: Contextual Digital Pedagogy

Photo of Magriet de Villiers
Photo of Dr Sonja Strydom


This 9th webinar of the AHEEN Digital Pedagogy Series will provide us all with the opportunity to reflect on our learning and newly acquired knowledge gained through the webinar series. More excitingly, is that we will be able to develop a context-specific action plan that could guide us in our future teaching and learning interactions. The key is “reflection, context, and application”. We will make use of an integrated worksheet to help us reflect on the previous webinars with the opportunity to plan our own unique digital pedagogical approaches based on our and our student's unique needs and attributes.

What to do before the webinar:

In preparation for the webinar, have a look at the following worksheet - Taking Action Worksheet - and start to critically think about the different aspects. You can even print it out and start to populate it! We will discuss this worksheet and listen to your feedback during the webinar.

Webinar 9 facilitators: Magriet (Kiki) de Villiers and Sonja Strydom

Short bio: Ms Magriet de Villiers is the Learning Technologies Advisor of the Centre for Learning Technologies (CLT) at Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa. She studied and taught in the field of Theology at SU. She took up position as the Faculty of Theology’s Blended Learning Coordinator (2015), and later that of the Academic Development Coordinator (2018). She is currently the Learning Technologies Advisor at CLT and provides support for the institutional use of ICT in Learning and Teaching. She is pursuing her doctoral studies in Theology, focusing on the concepts of thinking and judgement in the work of German political thinker Hannah Arendt. Her teaching and research interests centre on pedagogy of discomfort, academic development strategies, instructional- and learning design, blended- and hybrid learning, and academic integrity.

Short bio: Dr Sonja Strydom is the Deputy Director (Academic Development & Research) at the Centre for Learning Technologies at Stellenbosch University (SU). She is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Higher and Adult Education at SU. She holds a PhD in education from SU and a DLitt et Phil in psychology from the University of South Africa. Sonja teaches several short and postgraduate higher education courses. Her current research interest is in the field of technology-augmented curriculum development, academic development, digital wellbeing and mixed methodologies for furthering the field of HE research.

Video recording of the webinar



Anderson, V. (2020. A digital pedagogy pivot: Re-thinking higher education practice from a HRD perspective. Human Resource Development International, 23 (4), 452-467. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13678868.2020.1778999

Väätäjä, J.O. & Ruokamo, H. (2021). Conceptualizing dimensions and a model for digital pedagogy. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15, 1-12. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1834490921995395


AnswerGarden: A minimalistic feedback tool. Use it for real time audience participation, online brainstorming and classroom feedback.

Bit.ly: A custom URL shortener, sometimes referred to as a branded URL shortener, lets you brand your links.

Bulb: Digital Portfolios for Education.

CAST resources: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education.

Course Structure Template

E-tivities Invitation: Gilly Salmon’s e-tivities information.

Feedback Examples

Google Docs: Create and edit web-based documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Store documents online and access them from any computer.

Google Forms (Quizzes): Free online surveys and quizzes.

Kahoot: Game-based learning platform.

Mentimeter: Use live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more to get real-time input during presentations.

Slido: Interactive tools for presentations.

Signal: Instant messaging service.

Transparent Assessment Instruction Framework

Zeetings: Active presentation platform.